Monday, August 9, 2010

4 Top Secrets to Creative Entrepreneur Success

Today I wanted to share the 4 Top Secrets to Creative Entrepreneur Success and action steps you start today! These 4 top secrets are very simple to adpat into your everyday creative business life. Once you learn and expect these secrets I will share more. So lets stop wasting time, lets get to it.

1. Seek Success StoriesAsk yourself who's the most successful in my area of interest? Have they written books on their success stories, do they have a blog, or a tv show? If so, then engage in all things that speak or has been written about them. If you don't know anyone who's successful in your area of interest, then read/listen to people who are just plain successful at what they do. I look to collage artist,Claudine Hellmuth- she has inspired me, and before I knew exactly what I wanted to do, I read Think and Grow Rich, The Millionaire Mind and Rich Dad, Poor Dad, to name a few.

Action Step: Identify skills and strategies successful people used to change current status. Then learn one skill or introduce one strategy into your everyday creative life until you received the same or similar results.

2. Take Time to Capture Your IdeasBesides noticing and implementing strategies used by others, we must also find ways to capture ideas that spark during this transformation. Many successful people keep journals to jot down ideas, resources, names and places ( I keep my notebook in my purse at all times). Recording your awareness, meandering thoughts and feelings honors their value and signals to you that your creative process deserves attention.

Action Step: Go out and purchase a notebook. Choose a notebook that you believe is eye catching and fits, feels comfortable in your hands. Also purchase a pen. All of these simple things play into the act of capturing our ideas. At the end of the week, month and year- look thru- your notebook - note what you have accomplished, pay attention to things that can be used in later projects, or items that need to be completed.

3. Become a Risk Taker
Please pay close attention- I'm not advocating for you to jump off a cliff - but what I'm asking of you is to step outside of your comfort zone. As you read stories about other successful people you will notice that many of these people take one or two risk. They put themselves out there. I too have done a few things that I felt totally uncomfortable doing- but I did them and everything turn out Great!

Action Step: Do one thing you feel uncomfortable doing. Is it public speaking? Then just speak to a very small group about a new idea or something you learned (family, church members, girlfriends). Is it writing? Again start small- write something special in a blog post, send letter to several friends on a specific topic of interest. Is it showing your creative talents? Well just wear what you've created, hang it in your home or office or place it on a greeting card and send it out with a note to special friends and family. Becoming a risk taker is all about putting yourself out there- So Get Going!!!

4. Watch for Signs of Success
Once you start to read about success people, write down ideas, become a risk taker- you will begin to see signs of success springing up all around you. The key is to look for them- small, medium and large. Success comes in many forms- money- accolades- and emotional. These are signs that should be acknowledged and celebrated.

Action Step: At the end of the day- jot down any extra money you've made - no extra money- what about positive compliments from co-workers, family, or friends- no one said anything good - then how do you feel today- what made you smile today. There's always something celebrate- you just have to find it and know the signs of success is happening all around you.

By the way- Did you like this article? Then you'll love my free creative business tips !

Talk with you soon,